
Hello, my name is Shofwa Alyadiena from Bachelor of Design in Creative Media. I am eighteen years old. My favorite thing to do is to create content that provides emotional relief for myself and hopefully inspires other people to create with me. I enjoy doing sports such as archery, ice skating, roller skating, golf, scuba diving, skiing, or any other sports the world has to offer to me as long as it doesn't involve getting hit by a ball. I immensely enjoy the colors orange and blue. My favorite animal is the emperor scorpion, jumping spider and all cats.

I am currently learning interactive design as a part of my course. I chose to join this course because I was interested in design throughout our lives, whether its for marketing or for entertainment. The course I am a part of is one of many courses Taylor's University provides. I've learnt about the existence of the university through word of mouth and the website itself. After successfully joining Taylor's Design School I moved to Malaysia as a part of my academic journey. I currently reside in D'Latour that allows me to walk to campus under ten minutes. 

Things I love about Malaysia

just the vibe of it really 

Food that I love in Malaysia

My Favorite Colors

Favorite Songs

Favorite Animals

Find me in other spaces of the universe

Pickles can come second

Tomatoes are unacceptable